Office hours with HUAWEI
모집 기간
2019-03-04 14:00 ~ 2019-03-18 18:00
행사 일시
2019-03-21 09:30 ~ 2019-03-22 17:00
행사 장소

[D.CAMP X HUAWEI] Dr. Guo Ruofeng Director와의 1:1 멘토링


[HUAWEI Introduction]

 Huawei is a leading global ICT solutions provider. During the past three decades, we have grown rapidly by seizing the opportunities made possible by  the booming global ICT industry. We advocate customer-centricity, dedication, and continuous innovation based on customer needs. This approach has earned us the respect and trust of our customers, and led to our robust growth. Our telecom network equipment, IT products and solutions, and smart devices are used in more than 170 countries and regions. We remain focused on our strategy and continuously invest in the research and development of telecom infrastructure networks, cloud, and smart devices. Through innovation based on both customer needs and cutting-edge technologies, we are able to stay at the forefront of the industry and shape its   future direction. 


Mentors' profile (Name / Job title / Brief Job description)

Dr. Guo Ruofeng     Director of Technology Planning & Cooperation Department  Yokohama Research Cente 


[Industry Area]






1. Camera画像・映像関連
2. Sensor & Sensing 関連
3. Computer Vision Media 関連
4. Material Mechanical 関連
5. Battery Energy関連


[Meeting language : English ]


[Meeting time slot]

 : March 21(Thu), 22(Fri)  - 9:30~17:30  Individual Meeting with startups 

(21일과 22일 각각 10팀 내외로 선발할 예정이며, 선발결과 및 세부사항은 개별 연락을 통해 전달해드립니다.)


[기본 준비 사항]

- 이야기 나누고 싶은 주제

- 창업 아이템 개요

- 간단한 본인 소개 : 스타트업을 시작하게된 이유와 현재 상황

- 참업팀 멤버 구성 및 프로필

- 연락처


별첨 : 사업소개서 간략본  (PPT 10페이지 이내)

- 형식 및 분량 제한 없습니다. 자신의 사업을 가장 잘 설명할 수 있는 형태이면 됩니다.