The Community Program: Better Welfare for Startups

For higher satisfaction among those working at startups,
d·camp creates startup communities and runs various community programs.
This includes networking events, wellness programs, workation support, and mental wellness counseling.

  • 오피스아워 이미지
    Wellness Program
    To help employees working for d·camp resident startups have a healthy mind and body, d·camp runs various wellness programs, including yoga, pilates, and weight training.
  • 웰니스 프로그램
    With an aim to build a community among resident startups and enhance business synergy, d·camp provides different meet-up programs. Employees working for d·camp’s resident startups can take part in presentations, discussions, or reading groups that help employees grow. d·camp also supports a wide range of gatherings based on occupational groups, age, taste, etc.
  • 밋업
    Benefits for Family Startups
    d·camp strives to provide a better working environment and higher satisfaction among startup employees through various benefits. (e.g., provision of health examinations, support for workation, etc.).
  • 패밀리사 베네핏
    d·camp is the first in the country to survey the mental health status of entrepreneurs. Joining hands with Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, d·camp analyzed the mental health conditions of Korean entrepreneurs using objective measures. Based on the understanding of the actual mental health conditions of entrepreneurs, d·camp’s resident startup entrepreneurs and their employees are provided with various programs, including seminars and counseling support.